Refund Policy

Please see our Refund Policy for more information on when you can request a refund for items and services purchased from Domaigo by our customers or partner services.

General Terms And Conditions
  • All refund-eligible Services are subject to general terms and conditions. Additionally, there may be unique terms that pertain to a certain product and/or service and are listed below.
  • Before we can issue a refund, the whole of the service(s) must be cancelled.
  • If your Service(s) are stopped or cancelled for a particular reason or cause, no refund will be issued.
  • If you cancel a bought Service(s) that included free domain name registration as part of a promotion or sale of the Service(s), the regular fee for the domain name will be deducted from your refund amount. If the refund amount is less than the standard fee for the domain, you must either pay the difference or relinquish the domain, in which case Domaigo will regain ownership and control.
  • All refunds are made in Qatari Riyals, and you, the customer, are solely responsible for any variations in the exchange rate(s) between the time of payment and the time of return.
  • Refunds will be refunded to your Domaigo account balance unless you specify otherwise. Purchases bought using Domaigo account funds may only be reimbursed as a credit to your account. Purchases bought with a credit card or other payment methods may be refunded to the original method of payment. In the event of a refund, Domaigo is not liable for any extra costs imposed by your credit card company.
  • no case is the same service eligible for a refund.
  • A refund will be reduced by any processing fee(s).

Additional refund criteria may apply depending on the individual terms and restrictions communicated to you when you purchase any Service (s).

Domain Name Registration
  • Unless specifically stated otherwise in this Refund Policy, all fees for domain name registrations and related domain name Service(s) are non-refundable, in whole or in part, even if your domain name registration is suspended, cancelled, or transferred prior to the end of your then existing registration term.
  • New domain name registrations under QDR may be refundable, in Domaigo's exclusive discretion, if you, the registrant, cancel the domain name registration under QDR for a good cause and the cancellation is completed within 2 days (48 hours) of registration. Please keep in mind that, in certain situations, due to limits imposed by the appropriate registry or registry managing firm, cancellation and refund are not accessible for new domain registrations.
  • There are no refunds available for payments paid for third-party domain names. Domaigo, the registry, or the third-party seller rejects or cancels third-party domain name registration.
  • There are no refunds available for fees of Premium Domain(s).

There are no refunds allowed for any of the following fees:

  • Fees paid for connected Service(s), such as a subscription to Privacy Protection for the domain in question.
  • If you fail to transfer a domain name to Domiago, we will immediately reimburse any money you paid as an account credit.
Web Hosting Services
  • Unless clearly stated otherwise in this Refund Policy, all costs for Web Hosting and associated Service(s) are non-refundable, in whole or in part, even if your Web Hosting Service(s) are suspended or cancelled prior to the end of your then existing contract term.

There are no refunds available for the following:

  • Any additional features, services, or upgrades purchased in addition to your Web Hosting subscription.
  • Any domain name registration expenses linked with your Web Hosting package.
  • Any Web Hosting and associated Service Renewals (s).
Email Hosting Services
  • Unless clearly stated otherwise in this Refund Policy, all costs for email hosting and associated Service(s) are non-refundable, in whole or in part, even if your email hosting Service(s) are suspended or cancelled prior to the end of your then existing contract term.
  • You must validate your ownership of the linked domain name if you purchase Email Hosting Services for a domain name that is not registered with Domaigo. If you do not provide adequate evidence of ownership (or domain access rights) within forty-eight (48) hours of purchase, the acquired Service(s) will be terminated, and any payments paid will be reimbursed as an account credit.
SSL Certificates
  • Unless otherwise specified in this Refund Policy, all costs for SSL Certificates are non-refundable, in whole or in part.
  • If a refund is possible, SSL Certificate payments will be repaid as an account credit.
DNS Services
  • Unless otherwise specified in this Refund Policy, all costs for DNS and associated Service(s) are non-refundable, in whole or in part, even if your DNS Service(s) are stopped, terminated, or transferred prior to the end of your then existing contract term.
  • Fees for Services may be refunded at Domaigo's sole discretion.
Non-Refundable Services

All other Services, including but not limited to are non-refundable, such as:

  • Domain name registration transfers or renewals.
  • Domain name recovery or reactivation fees.
  • Dedicated Servers or IP Addresses.
  • Subscriptions for Privacy Protection.
  • Any Services purchased or obtained at a discount price or as part of a promotion.
  • Any payments you pay to Domaigo for non-service related support.
Refund Requests

If you believe you are entitled to a refund, please submit a help desk ticket. In your request, you must provide the following information:

  • Reason for requesting a refund.
  • Transaction identifiers (e.g., username, support pin, transaction number, domain name, purchase date)
  • Any additional information requested by the Customer Service team in order to complete your refund request.
Contact Us

If you have any queries concerning our refund policy, please email